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- A Unique Technology That Will Track Student Attendance And Prevent The Child Kidnapping Plan Of Crim ...
A Unique Technology That Will Track Student Attendance And Prevent The Child Kidnapping Plan Of Crim ...
نشر بتاريخ 2016-04-02 10:33 AM
Polestar is software development and ITES providing company established in the year 2013- 2014, started with a dream to innovate, implement, upgrades system specification by connecting the clients’ requirements. The company also wants to develop its own brand of S/W products similar to CMM Level 5 giants. We provide the scope of being unique in our own domain. Our platform focuses on the object oriented designs to the windows application programming. Contact mobile- 7202033391*By-CLI0298AA 05-10-2015 Hyderabad , Andhra Pradesh, India